Our company focuses on issues concerning the environmental impact of constructions according to the Act. No. 100/2001 Coll., more widely known under the abbreviation EIA (Environment Impact Assessment). We dedicate the same amount of attention to problems relating to Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC), which we have been carefully monitoring since the publication of the preliminary information concerning the translation of the directive EU 96/61/ES by the Act. No. 76/2002 Coll. on integrated prevention into the Czech legislative.


Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)

Producing an integrated permit application according to Act. No. 76/2002 Coll., on integrated prevention (IPPC) represents a complex assessment of the environmental impact of a current or newly introduced installation. The target installation is evaluated not solely according to its sub-parameters but instead as a whole assemblage, with all its aspects and potential sources of environmental impact. All efforts of the investor to lower negative impact on the environment are highly appreciated and supported. To ensure the highest quality of our services, all calculated results and values are compared to those achieved with the best accessible technology (BAT). Application for granting or change in integrated permit must be processed according to a model given by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic in the Decree No. 554/2002 Coll., as amended by the Decree No. 363/2010 Coll.
The following documents constitute the usual attachments supporting applications for integrated permit:

  • A dispersion study simulating the environmental impact of the installation.
  • A noise study simulating the installation’s impact on the acoustic situation of the target location.
  • An emergency plan put forward in case of an accident according to Section 39 of Act. No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water.
  • A set of technical-operational parameters and technical-organisational precautions to ensure smooth operation of stationary sources, aiming to reduce the course, and eliminate the consequences of emergency states in compliance with environmental protection conditions (operational plan for sources of environmental pollution).
  • Operational assessment of the installation according to Act. No. 59/2006 Coll., in relation to prevention of major accidents.
  • Expert opinion following the legislation on ambient air protection.

As a team, we are able to process these crucial pieces of documentation for our customers, and ensure that that all the correct attachments are included with the IP application. Our company holds an authorisation accredited by the Ministry of the Environment for the purposes of processing dispersion studies and expert opinions. In our work, we make sure to take into consideration the current state of assessed sources. Following the first step of summarising the input data and assessing the balances of the source, we analyse any discovered issues in order for them to be resolved in the following phases of the process. Throughout the final evaluation, we take into consideration the current capacity of the assessed installation. Attendance at both internal and public hearings concerning the IP application and further processing of the remarks and notes from these hearings is usually expected until the permit is granted.

Environmental Impact assessment (EIA)

The process of environmental impact assessment according to Act No. 100/2001 Coll. (EIA) is usually the very first step of environmental impact evaluation in any new project. Obligations of the investor vary depending on the scope of the project and the different types of tasks involved.

Under-limit notification
An under-limit notification in the extent of Appendix 3a of Act No. 100/2001 Coll. is usually processed alongside plans described in Appendix 1 of the same act, but in cases where they do not attain or surpass the limits mentioned in this appendix.
Under-limit plan notifications are seemingly simple documents, however they can often influence the length of the process of environmental impact assessment. In case of an insufficient amount of information regarding the potential environmental impact is provided with the notification, the responsible regional authority may decide that even a simple under-limit plan notification will be a subject to a screening procedure. This may cause delays in the process and also incur financial losses. Our team therefore works to ensure that all under-limit notifications include every one of the obligatory requirements, which in turn assures their fast and smooth processing by the regional authorities.

Notification of a Plan
Notifications described in Appendix 1 are processed in Category II to the full extent listed in Appendix 3 of Act No. 100/2001 Coll. Plans produced to the full extent of Appendix 3 are complex and extensive documents, assessing a wide range of all possible environmental aspects of the proposed plan.
Plans falling under Category II do not necessarily have to undergo the entire process described by the appropriate legislation (plan → screening → assessment → expert report → statement on the environmental impact assessment of plan implementation), and the process may be terminated after the screening.
Terminating the EIA process after the screening provides the investor with a great advantage, as the process is sped up and the conclusion released up to 6 weeks after submitting the notification. In cases of application for the full process, usual length of proceeding can be significantly longer and expected to take 7 to 10 months.
In order for the EIA process to be terminated after the screening, it is crucial to submit a complete notification covering in detail all the facts and information necessary for the regional authority to be capable of assessing the full extent of environmental impact. However, it is not possible to ensure that an early termination of the process will be possible in every individual case.
Although the legislation does not strictly demand the processing of the notification to be carried out by an authorised person, it is highly recommended by the regional authorities. To ensure our customers are provided with the best services, notifications processed by our company are always carried out by an authorised person according to Act No. 100/2001 Coll.

The following documents usually constitute the attachments provided with notifications:
– Dispersion study simulating the impact of the installation on ambient air quality.
– Environmental noise study simulating the impact of the installation on the acoustic situation in the target area.
Our team is able to process these crucial documents and include them as attachments with the notification. Our company also holds an authorisation certificate accredited by the Ministry of the Environment for the purpose of processing dispersion studies.

Plans listed in Appendix 1, and falling under Category I are processed to the full extent of Appendix 4 of Act No. 100/2001 Coll. Assessment following Appendix 4 is a very complex issue, describing all possible environmental aspects of the processed plan and must therefore be carried out only by an authorised person. Our assessment is therefore always processed by an authorised person according to Act. No. 100/2001 Coll.